
What's new on this release?

New Feature v.1.8.0
1 month ago

Notice Board

  • Announcements of Updates: Stay informed about system updates and important news.
  • Patch Updates and More: Find all patch updates and other announcements in one place.
New Feature v.1.8.0
1 month ago

Getting Started Tutorial

  • Visual Step-by-Step Guide: Follow an easy-to-understand guide to set up your account during your first login.
Enhancement v.1.8.0
1 month ago

Power Ups - Suppliers

  • Create Purchase Orders Easily: You can now create Purchase Orders directly from Supplier Power Ups for a streamlined procurement process.
New Feature v.1.7.0
1 month ago

Mechanic Performance Tracking

  • Standard Repair Time (SRT): Track and manage standard repair times for improved efficiency.
  • Start Time: Monitor the exact start time of each job.
  • End Time: Record the precise end time to ensure accurate job duration tracking.
New Feature v.1.7.0
1 month ago

ENGARAGE Partner Suppliers

  • Partner Suppliers List: Access a comprehensive list of suppliers partnered with POMEN for streamlined procurement
New Feature v.1.7.0
1 month ago

Power-Up: Supplier Page

  • Discover New Suppliers: Easily find and connect with new suppliers through our enhanced Supplier Page.
  • Product Listings: Browse detailed product listings from multiple suppliers.
  • Add Items with Ease: Quickly add items and parts directly from the supplier listings to your inventory.
New Feature v.1.7.0
1 month ago

Invoice Enhancements

  • Split Payments: Enable the flexibility to split payments into multiple transactions for better financial management.
  • Partial Payments: Accept deposit payments, allowing for more flexible payment options.
Enhancement v.1.7.0
1 month ago

Work Order Interface

  • New look: Experience a refreshed and more intuitive work order interface for improved usability and aesthetics.
Enhancement v.1.7.0
1 month ago

Power-Up Page

  • Revamped Functionality: The Integration Page is now called the Power-Up Page.
  • Integration Discoveries: Use the Power-Up Page to find available and upcoming integrations with other software.
  • Partner Supplier Listings: Access partnered supplier listings for easy procurement.